Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Nerds and Ronaldo

Today's pic of the day is Mr. Cristiano Ronaldo with Siobhan O'Connor. Siobhan was on the show this morning telling her story of how this photo came about - and it wasn't easy!

She had to take four trips to Carton House, skip past security - and had Ronaldo laugh at her a couple of times before he finally posed for the pic. Luckily, her husband is a patient man!

This led us to talk about the time you actively pursued a celebrity to get an autograph, picture or just to have a nosey. Mary's long standing obsession with Fair City characters is well documented at this stage - but even I feel sorry for poor Leo who was only trying to do a bit of shopping in the Stephen's Green Shopping Centre when he was stalked by a giggling Mary O'Neill.

We also talked about geeks and nerds - and whether they are attractive. New research suggests many women would rather a geek to a metrosexual. Mary reckoned this was because geeks tend to be quite intelligent, and that can be sexy.

Some other bits from this morning's show.....
  • So you're in a rock band, and all is going well until the lead singer's girlfriend announces that she wants to be in the band.....
  • Is Ireland really ready for this vomit inducing nonsense?
  • This is a serious story worth reading if you or anyone you know is planning on visiting Thailand
Vinny's Big Hard One:-
What has a mouth but doesn't speak, what runs but has no legs, and what has a bank but no money in it?
Ans: A river

Going For A Song:-
Plot of land belonging to an eejit - plant that produces a bitter fruit
Find the answer here!

Tomorrow, we're joined by Big Brother psychologist Judy James - and later in the week we hope to speak with Curly Watts!!

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