Tuesday, July 28, 2009

The truth is out there.....

Today's pic of the day is a lovely little note we got from Riona from Carlow - who won tickets to the Pussycat Dolls concert, and thoroughly enjoyed it! Thanks for the letter Riona!

Today's show featured men's underwear - supposedly, one in 8 men have underwear over TEN years old. Some of these pants have holes, stains (yuck), and are discoloured. And some guys wonder why they never score....

We also dealt with doggy names. A new report reveals that old names like Fido, Patch and Rover are thing of the past. Instead, names like Dizzee Rascal, Ronaldo and Kit Kat are popular. We did a mini doggy census of the South East - and found that people are very imaginative when it comes to naming their pooches!

We talked about moving out of your parents' house - and moving back in. We had some very funny stories of adults being reminded to wash their hands, mums leaving hoovers across the hall on a Saturday night to find out what time their adult children were coming home at - and my favourite was the 24 year old who was told she couldn't go out on a Saturday night until her room was tidy!!

We finished the show with a chat amongst ourselves about aliens and UFOs. We were meant to have a guest speaker, but don't get me started....

Some other bits.....
  • These guys need a Code three if they wanna have a number two!
  • Bet this seemed like a great idea at the time!
  • Are you as tough as this?
Today's Big Hard One
Even if you give this to someone else, you still get to keep it. What is it?
Your word!

Going For A Song
Fruit with sharp vision puts this evening in the bank
As ever, find the answer here!

Talk to u in the a.m.

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