Thursday, August 13, 2009

The bonniest dog in the South East?!

Meet Dougal... we mentioned him on this morning's show. He lives with Orla, and we reckon he may be the bonniest dog in the South East!

There were many other pet stories on today's show, but most of them terribly sad. We were asking about the last time you cried. This follows the news that women cry for 16 months of their lives, and women aged in their late 20s cry for over 2 hours in a week! You can read more about the survey here.

I spoke about watching Harry and the Hendersons recently... the bit where he punches poor Harry and tells him that he doesn't like him anymore. I'm welling up even writing this. Vinny talked about some boxing kanagaroo movie, and Mary.... well, where do we start? A Damien Rice song prompted her most recent outburst.

We also had news that will come as no surprise to lovers of tea.... it really does help in a time of crisis. According to the report, people are more likely to put the kettle on than contact their family when feeling stressed!

Other stuff we spoke about.....
Vinny's Big Hard One
Squeeze it, and it cries tears as red as it's skin. Yet it's heart is made of stone. What is it?
Ans: A cherry

Going For A Song
Constabulary counts each in and exhalation of somebody else
You'll find the answer here.

Last one of the week tomorrow morning from 6.50am!

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