We talked mostly today about long distance love and holiday flings. The general feeling was that couples who see each other day, and whinge about the little things don't realise how lucky they are. We had many texts from people who haven't seen their significant other in months. Anyhow, Maybefriends.com had some interesting tips for long distance lovers, including....
- Cook a meal and eat together! - Take it in turns to find a recipe for a meal you would both enjoy. Dress in the clothes and create the ambience that would exist if you were both dining together and use a webcam/mobile to chat while you chop onions together, savor your food and do the washing up!
- Watch TV together - If you both have access to the same TV networks, take turns to pick the shows you would like to sit down to watch together. During the show you can ring or send texts to share the laughs and thrills of the programme or have a moan that you have to watch another Champions League football match while Desperate Housewives is on the other channel – it’s all part of the fun!
- Attend an event on their behalf - If there’s an event on near you that your other half would love to attend, try and go along to it and be their eyes and ears. This might include a concert, a comedy, a football match etc. Fill your partner in on every last detail and they will be impressed that you took the time and effort to show an interest in the things they love.
- A sad day for the speedo wearer
- How to cope with a nagging woman
- Can you guess the most exciting team in the Premiership?
Clue: What is always in visible, but never out of sight?
Ans: The letters 'i' and 's'
Going For A Song
Clue: Young aquatic males - the entirety of a rock that orbits the Earth
Answer is here
Back tomorrow with more details of 3 Go Off On An Adventure!
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