Monday, April 27, 2009

Tell me why I don't like Mondays

Ladies and Gentlemen.... the above pic is the reason you should never challenge Mr. Liam Tutty to a dance off. The man is secretly in training for months for these things, and he pulls off some pretty amazing breakdancing moves (although you can see the lady with the bag in the photo has just stepped over his head thinking he was throwing some kind of fit).

Anyhow, Congrats to Liam who won the Dance Off against me. All I will say is.... Summer Barbeque.... It's on like Donkey Kong!

The above incident happened Friday night at Portovino in New Ross - where the Beat Crew descended en masse for a bit of a party. Thanks to all the staff there, and to the sound groups of lads and ladies we met there.

Monday's show was guest hosted by one of Ireland's most talked about women the past few weeks - Bebhinn aka Lady. Things are finally settling down for her after a couple of months of chaos.

Couple of bits from today's show:-
  • Why the new obsession with y-fronts lads? Surely even in tough economic times, there are certain things that you should never cut back on?!
  • If you're gonna ring in sick from work, be careful what type of online dossing you do at home!
  • Worst place ever for some hurling?!
Tomorrow, it's myself and Vinny - and perhaps the return of the Marytron 3000!


Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Nell McAndrew (not to be confused with other hotty Nell McCafferty)

This Nell McAndrew. You might remember her from such shows as I'm A Celebrity, Get Me Out Of Here and Dancing on Ice. You may also remember her Page 3 shoots, or for being the official body model for the Tomb Raider gang. Oh.... did I mention she won Rear of the Year?

Anyhow, she was on the show this morning. I don't have much to say about it. This is just an opportunity to put a gratuitous pic of a hot girl on our blog.

You should see the pic that Vinny wanted me to put up!

Jesus in a Kit-Kat!

Can you see it?! Me neither......

Thursday, April 9, 2009

Holy Thursday

That's Holy Thursday out of the way. The last time the Beat Breakfast Crew will be together for three weeks!

Pictured to the left is a fantastic cake dropped in by Catherine and Deirdre from Edible Dreams in Waterford City. It's absolutely amazing. Vinny is holding a bottle of beer (he had one or two at the wedding!!) Mary has her Aussie flag in her hand before she heads off, and I have my headphones on and mic in hand (I spent most of the wedding day like this!)

Of course, this has lead to huge rows in the office about whether it's too good to cut! Anyhow, check out their website at

Today's show was about celebrity run-ins. We got some very funny stories about an over fake tanned Ricky Martin, a very demanding Roy Cropper Fan Club, and Roy Keane throwing a hissy fit on a ferry!

We also spoke today with Gail and Liam who were live at the Honeymoon Villa in Portugal. It was all a bit depressing considering the weather in the South East of Ireland today!

Tomorrow, it's just Vinny and Mary on Breakfast. Make sure you tune in for Mary's last show before she heads to Oz for three weeks. I'll talk to you on the radio tomorrow from 4pm for an eight hour marathon of the Top Beat Anthems of All Time. It's gonna be mega - myself and Ray will be providing the soundtrack to your house parties!


Thursday, April 2, 2009

Fainting and Farting!

Well hello there!

The theme of today's show was embarrassing moments in school. A surprisingly high number of the texts we got concerned the listener who not only fainted but farted at the same time and then had to put their head between their legs, as you do after you faint. Not a good combo!

We also heard from a guy who, ahem... "stood to attention" in P.E. Apparently the teacher was really hot.

As we continue our countdown to the wedding of the year, our Two Strangers and a Wedding relationship expert David Kavanagh gave us his opinion on Lady and Batman as a couple. He met both individually and really got positive vibes about the budding relationship. This is all great news ahead of the big day on Monday April 6th.

A couple of things before I go...

The Hard One was not particularly hard this morning. What word has 10 letters but has thousands of words in it? Dictionary. Duh.

Going For A Song; Tell unbaked bread to stop living and signal surrender = Dido 'White Flag'

There ya go - I'm making a quick exit to enjoy the sunshine! You should too!


Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Lady, Batman and Uncle Sam. Not to mention boggers and scarecrows!

Check out our new mascot! Boxing Uncle Sam hopped a plane from the States with Ray Colclough who returned from his hols armed, as is tradition, with a mahoosive bag of sweets, or candy. Y'all!

Oh, it's also a pen!


Lady and Batmans' blind date was a huge success. The happy couple got on like a house on fire as they shared a meal (but didn't see each other) in Mulberry's restaurant at the Arboretum, Carlow. Get this - they both ordered the same starter and main course! I mean, talk about meant to be! Seriously though, listenening to excerpts from the conversation on this morning's show, there's already a connection there which leaves us more hopeful than ever that this social experiment will be a huge success! Remember, stay tuned to Beat 102-103 and you won't miss a thing as we count down to the wedding of the year on Monday April 6th.

Also on this morning's show, it was revealed that Aoibhinn ni Shuilleabhain and Stephen Byrne (nope, me neither!) are the hottest stars on Irish TV. But if it were down to our female listeners, then there'd only be one wniner - Daithi O'Se! ...which makes Niall angry. We've never really gotten to the bottom of why he carries such spite for the man he descibes as "a bogger who looks like a scarecrow" but Mary thinks it's jealousy. I tend to agree!

Alright so...I'm gonna leave it there before I'm asked to decide whether to 'send/don't send' an internet error report AGAIN!

We will chat to you in the A.M.